Tuesday, September 29, 2009


In the third country of India in a remote place called Calcutta,inside a special place there lies a body of one of greatest woman India and the world in general,probably awaiting the trumpet call of her master whom she followed His worlds recorded in the holy Bible;”I was hungry and you feed me ,naked and you closed me .......”(Mathew 25:34)This is no other but the late Mother Teresa,a nun who dedicated all her life for God and the poor of the world. Born in prosperous country of Eastern Europe,educated in a rich country of western Europe she selflessly decided to live with the poverty stricken citizen of India. Probably we are encountering the greatest woman of the century-mother Teresa of Calcutta.....!

Her real name was Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu,she was born on August 27,1910 in Skopje,Macedonia-Yugoslavia. She was a daugheter of an Albanian grocer. When she was 12 she was quite sure she was going to become a nun (How many of our children are career).In 1928,she went to Ireland to join the institute of the missionary of the blessed Virgin,sailing,only six week later,to India as a teacher. She subsequently requested permission to work with the poor of Calcutta.

After studying nursing. Mother Teresa moved in to the slum .Municipal authorities,upon her petition,gave her the pilgrim hostel near the sacred kali's temple where by in 1948 she founded the order of the Missionaries of charity -A Roman catholic congregation of women dedicated to poor,particularly to the destitute of India.Sympathetic companion soon flocked to her aid. Dispensaries and outdoor school were organized.

Mother Teresa adopted Indian citizenship,and her Indian nuns all donned the sari as their habit. In 1950 her Order received a canonical sanction from Pope Pius XII and in 1965 it become a pontifical congregation(subjected only to the Pope).The Order opened numerous centers serving the blind,aged,lepers,cripples and the dying.Under her care/guidance,the Missionaries of Charity bult near Ansanson,India, a leper colony called Shanti Nager “Town Of Peace”.

In 1963 the Indian government awarded her the Padmashri ''Lord Of the Lotus'' for her service to the people of India and in 1964 on his trip to India Pope Paul VI gave her ceremonial limousine which she immediately ruffled to help finance her leper colony 1968 she was summoned to Rome to found a home thee,stuffed primarily with Indians nuns followed with the Nehru award in 1969.In recognition to her apostolate,she was honored on 6,January1971 by Pope Paul,who awarded her First Pope John XXIII Peace Prize.

In the late 1970s the missionaries of charity numbered more than 1,000 nuns who operated 60 centers in Calcutta and more than 200 worldwide centers including in Tanzania,Great Britain,Australia,Venezuela,Jordan and Sri-lanka. By 1970 her foundation in Calcutta alone saved nearly 8,000 destitute outcast from death. It was not surprising when she become the recipient of the greatest world award the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979.

How did she view herself? As most celebrities are,she did not give credit to her personality but to her poor people. When asked if she`ll turn up any antidote,any legend she replied “NO” and went futher “...there are no legends..”Her greatest secret was “Service/work for the poorest of poor”.This is an extraordinary woman,whose life was a living prayer,she had no biological children yet milions call her mother,mother. Here are some of her motherly heritage-words to us;
I want very much people to come to God...I hope I am converting....I cannot give the light:I can only give the means..”

...what we allow God to use far,that is important. What He is doing through us is important-poverty is nothing but freedom and the total surrender is obedience..”

...The poor must know that we love them,that they are wanted. They themselves have nothing to give but love...true love always has hurt. It must be painful to love someone,painful to leave them,you might to die for them”

Death is nothing but the completion of life,every religion has got eternity..”

We help the poor die with God. We help them to say sorry to God. It is between them and God alone. Nobody else,Nobody has the right to come at that time. We must help them to make piece with God because that is the greatest need-to die in peace with God. We live that they die so that they may go home according to what is written in the book,be it written according to Hindu, or Muslim ,or Buddist,or Catholic, or Protestant, or any other belief...”

The healthy person maybe closer to dying or even more dead , the person who is dying. They might be spiritually dead,only it doesn't show. Who are we to judge....where there is mystery,there must be faith. Faith,you cant change no matter how you look at it. Either you have it or you don't. For us it is very simple because our feet are on the ground. We have more of the living reality”

Cleanness of heart means openness,that complete freedom,that detachment that allows you to love God without hindrance,without obstacles....poverty is such a wonderful gift of God....it gives us detachment and the real freedom necessary to understand the very poor people....”

You should spend at least half an hour in the morning and hour at night in prayer. You can pray while you work. Work doesn't stop prayer and prayers doesn't stop work. It requires only that small raising of mind to Him, “I love you, God I trust you,I believe in You,I need you now” .Small things like that. They are wonderful prayers.

That was mother Teresa of Calcutta,a leader of “Carriers Of God's Love” whose dowry was/is poverty,she lived the truth that prayer is devotion,prayer is service. Service was her main concern,her religion,her redemption. To meet her was to feel utterly humble,to sense the power of tenderness,the strength off love. She is now laying peaceful and hopeful waiting for the word of master:”...come,O blessed of My Father,inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: for I was hungry and you gave Me food I was thirsty and you gave Me drink,I was a stranger and you welcomed Me,I was naked and you clothed Me,I was sick and you visited Me,I was in prison and you came to Me...”(St Mathew 25:34-36).We need not wait for a mortal man to declare Mother Teresa a saint,by her fruits we've known her,she was a living saint and as we say Adios Amigo to our mama let us join her favorite prayer of St. Francis of Assisi;

Lord make me an instrument of your peace,
Where there is hatred,let me sow love
Where there is injury,pardon
Where there is doubt,faith
Where there is despair,hope
Where there is darkness,light
and where there is sadness,joy
O divine Master,grant me that I maynot
So much seek to be consoled as to console:
To be understood as to understand
To be loved as to love
For it is in giving that we receive:
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned:
And it is dying
That we are born to eternal life.


Author: Chambi Chachage
The original Article as it was writen in 1998.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Kuinuka na Kuanguka kwa UDSM!

Kwa aliyewahi kusoma, kukipenda, kufundisha na kufanya kazi maeneo ya chuo, na yote kabisa Mtanzania mzalendo!

Chuo Kikuu cha Dar-es-Salaam, palikuwa mahala pa cheche ya fikra na mbubujiko wa mijadala makini na ya huru kwa maslahi ya Taifa na Afrika kwa ujumla.

Palikuwa mahala pa ndoto ya kila kijana kuweza kufika na kupata fursa ya kusoma hapo. Ilikuwa ndoto na fahari ya kila mzazi kuweza kumfikisha mtoto wake hadi ngazi hiyo. Ilikuwa ndoto kwa wanataaluma (wa ndani na nje ya Tanzania) kupata fursa kufundisha katika chuo hicho. Mlimani palikuwa kizio cha kupima taaluma ya juu nchini!

Hakika waswahili walisema “hakuna marefu yasiyo na ncha”! na kila lenye mwanzo halikosi kuwa na mwisho! Kama kilivyoanza kwa juhudi za dhati ndivyo kinavyomalizwa kwa juhudi za dhati na kundi la watu wachache wasiotaka kusikia la mwazini wala mnadi swala wakiwa na kiburi cha nguvu ya vyombo vya dola na ushosti wa wakuu wa nchi.Soma makala Hii ya kupendeza kwa kubonyeza HAPA. Kama ilivyoandikwa na Asha Miguubaja na kupostiwa na Chambi Chachage katika bogu ya  

UDADISI: Rethinking in Action

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Mtaala mpya wa Mafunzo ya Ualimu watolewa

Ndg wadau,
Wizara ya Elimu na mafunzo ya Ufundi wiki iliyopita ilitoa miongozo mipya [Sylabus] kwa ajili ya kufundishia katika vyuo vya Ualimu kwa ngazi zote za cheti na stashahada.Ili kupata miongozo hiyo Bonyeza HAPA.

Imeandikwa na John J. Malata
wanazuoni yahoogroups


“Che” What a common name in Latin America,What a common name in revolutionary African states?Ask Mandela he'll make a speech of him,the late Kabila would compose a song and Museveni will even write a biography!.This is nothing but a sign which the author of this article shares meaning ,a friends or buddy. This is one of the greatest heroes in the history of Human struggle against poverty,ignorance and oppression. If Che was alive today we would have no need of writing this article for he could have describe himself well in only two lines,here this ...”Being a revolutionary is the highest level of civilization”. That was really Che. He was born in Argentina,had a movement in Guatemala, maneuvered in Mexico,ministered in Cuba,fought in Congo and died in Bolivia. What a Super-hero we are encountering!!.

His real name was Ernesto Guevara Dela Sena and he was born in the Argentine's capital Buerno Aires in a place called Rosario in 4thJune 1928.His mother was known as Celia Dela Sena and the father was Guevara Lynch. He was a brother of five children born in a middle class family of Spanish-Irish -descent and Leftist attitude thus preparing a man of guerrilla warfare and . “No one can withhold ones destiny”, that was true with Che who used to suffer from asthmatic attacks yet he exercised as athlete and scholar thus completing medical studies in 1953.He was a man of his type,instead of spending holidays with girlfriends and palls,he used to visit many countries of Latin America whereby his observation of poverty in mass level convinced him that the only solution for all these was/is a violent revolution and decided to go on with this conviction which has created history for us.

In 1953,now a professional doctor,Che unselfishly abandoned prosperity and went to Guatemala for a movement against imperialism and proceeding on he went to Mexico where he met his counterparts,the notable Fidel and Raul Castro [Political Exile from Cuba ] with the same revolutionary vision,they prepared an attempt to overthrow dictator Fulgenso Batista of Cuba in 1956 but unlucky they failed and Che was wounded. Three years later in 02/01/1959 they finally won and stated a Marxist government whereby Che was granted Cuban citizenship. This was a great time to the socialist doctor to show his revolution heart. Serving in Cuba as a chief of Industrial department,national Institution of Agrarian,president of of the national Bank of Cuba and a minister of industries. These responsibilities made him to be known in the western countries for opposing all forms of imperialism,neo-colonialism and US foreign policy of interference through CIA. He was a theoretician of guerrilla warfare and he even wrote a book on what named “Guerrilla Warfare” where in page 21 he says “....Whoever does feel this undoubted truth{revolution} can not be a guerrilla fighter.....”.In general,Doctor Che was a prominent communist figure(1956-1959).

Usually famous people make a strange decision which turn to be a fame/legend. Che was not backward in that for after April 1965 he dropped out of public life and was secretively though it is believed that at this time he was in Congo with other Cuban commanders helping to organize the Patrice Lumumba battalions for there was a civil war. It seems that the late Congo-Kinshasa's President Laurent Kabila had the privilege of learning guerrilla tactics from the great Field Marshal Enersto Che Guevara. The story does not end in central Africa. Where then it does end? It seems as if it ended on the autumn of 1966 when he went to the Bolivia incognito to lead a guerrilla group in the region called Santa Cruiz and tragically in 08/10/1967 his group was almost annihilated by a special detachment of the Bolivia Army,he was captured after being wounded and later believed to shot. Why did he accepted to die there? Listen to one of his best friend Castro; “The fact that Che was wounded while advancing on the Bolivia and allied soldiers was a very natural thing for him to have done. Also characteristics of him was the fact he continued to fight even though he had been seriously wounded...”

Was this really end of commander Che?. Let us hear a big “NO” from Castro “...It was their intention [Bolivian assassins] to deprive the revolutionary movement of its memorial symbol,site and focal point in Latin America. In short they are afraid of Che even after his death....who could deny the significance of Che's death?Its significance to us?And to the revolutionary?We must begin from the truth we know and turn Che`s example into our own invincible strength and push the revolution forward. Now is the time to firmer than ever in our new life,more prepared and determined to keep going straight ahead. 41? years after his death,who is Ce?Does he still alive? Of course his legends,he is still mythic figure and a celebrity,some call him an avenging angel,others a gentle figure redeemer,some warship him a saint patron Vellemgrade-Bolivia and is renamed “Santo Ernesto”. He is still loved globally and all over the World one can see watches,cups,calendars and T-shirts with a slogan “...it is better to die standing than to live on your knees..” and his picture with a red star revolution hat. He is still inspirational,charming and influential even after death. Here this “....a team of Cuban and Argentine scientists knelt in a deep pit before seven dirty skeletons...homed in skeleton number 2...Its skull shrouded by an olive arm jacket much like the one Che wore in photograph taken after his capture. Seconds before lifting a green jacket to expose the skull a Cuban geophysicist lowered his head in a gesture of respect. The crowd of journalist and local towns people that had gathered to watch fell silent. Then as the jacket was removed,several Cuban scientists broke down in sobs:Two hugged each other tightly. Everyone was overcome with emotional,not just the Cubans. He is still a Cuban secular saint remembered even by Cuban school kids every morning when they repeat in union; “...Pioneros Communistas seremos corno el Che..” meaning ..”Communist pioneers,we will be like Che”

So the hundreds of version about what happened to Che was over in July 1997 when his skeleton was excavated in the Bolivian Highlands,accompanied with a private military ceremony and a great anniversary in October.His body was then moved to Santa Clara where a museum was being built in the shadow of a 23-ton statue of the defiant Che gripping his rifle.His Argentine friend Alberto Granado claim that Che`s death was not a useless death and that he dead well.Bolivian propaganda claim that Che said “....I am Che Guevara and Iam defeated..” when he was captured but I join hand those who claim that he said “...Don`t shoot,I am Che Guevara and I am worth more to you alive than dead..” as his royal helper Willis threw down his rifle and exclaimed “...this is commander Guevara and he deserve respect...”No one can mar the fact that Che was confident unto death as he proves through his farewell “..I know you are going to shoot me,I have should never have been taken alive.Tell Fidel that this failure does not mean the end of revolution that it will triumph elsewhee.Tell Aleida [Che`s wife] to forget this,re-marry and be happy,and keep the children studying.Ask the soldier to shoot well...”

As usual,famous heroes and heroiness die early,as it was with Shaka,Martin.L. King JR. and Jesus Christ it was so it was with Che for he dead at a tender age of 39yrs. As it is sung “...When water run dry,one go to the road and die on bended knee...”That was the end of our mortal hero,a fighter doctor who attended both his own wounded solders and the enemies. What a Christ like character? One who was resting when caught with an asthmatic attack,he-the lover and the beloved of the childrean,the friend of all and an enemy of all forms of oppression,a man who was absolutely honest,completely selfless,constant perfecting his personality,a man who is still living in great minds and reviewed in media and films,field Marshal Commandat,Doctor Ernesto Che Guevara Lynch Dela Sena.

Through shun as a prodigal in his homeland of Argentina and label in the impearist,though he failed in all but one of his revolutionary adventure we admit that we will remember him as a paradigm.Let us be revolutionary like Che in our Education,in our politics and economy,in our social relation and even in our illogical religious bias.Let us join Nicolas Guillen to sing a poem of emphasis:

You are everywhere, In the Indians.In the black man. Like a young saint,we remember you each day... there is no peace salud Guevera! Oh better still,from the very depth of America,wait for us. We will leave with you,we want to die and to live, as you have died and live, as you live on... Che command ate Amigo

Let us join hand with Che and chant;Long live freedom,Reevolution high and higher.Away with oppression,Viva Che commandate ,we will be like Che!

Aluta continua Ou Morte Vinceremo!!!!
Adios Amigo Che Commandante.

Author: Chambi Chachage
The original Article as it was writen in 1998.

Monday, September 14, 2009


Kwa ujumla Sera mpya inashughulikia masuala muhimu na ya msingi kama vile kupunguza umri wa kuanza shule kutoka miaka saba hadi mitano; kuwekwa kwa utaratibu wa kuwatambua na kuwaendeleza watoto wenye vipaji maalum; kuanzisha polytechnics; kuongeza masuala ya TEHAMA na UJASIRIAMALI kwenye mtaala; pamoja na masuala mtambuka.


Kifungu Na 5.3 (elimu ya chekechea) Tamko Na. 4 na 5.4 (elimu ya awali) tamko la 3; na 5.5 (elimu ya msingi) tamko la 7 katika suala la ufanisi katika kutoa elimu bora ya msingi kwa wote na Tamko Na. 1 na 2 kwenye suala la kubaini na kuendeleza vipawa na vipaji vya watoto.

Matamko yote haya yanahusu kuwekwa kwa utaratibu wa kuwatambua watoto wenye vipaji katika vituo vya chekechea, madarasa ya elimu ya awali na shule za msingi kwa lengo la kuwaendeleza katika ngazi za juu. Hata hivyo nia hiyo haijaakisiwa kwenye kifungu 5.7 kichohusu Elimu ya Ualimu. Hapana budi kuwepo tamko la sera linalotilia mkazo kutolewa kwa mafunzo mahsusi kwa walimu (kazini na tarajali) katika ngazi zote kuhusu utambuzi na uhuishaji wa vipaji na vipawa vya wanafunzi. Hali kadhalika, tamko hilo lijumuishe umuhimu wa kuandaliwa kwa walimu ambao pia watakuwa washauri wa mieleko na kazi (Career counsellors). Ni dhahiri kuwa mafunzo ya hivi sasa yanayotolewa vyuoni hayakidhi haja hizi.

Pia hapana budi mfumo rasmi wa upimaji uwe na tamko juu ya kuwekwa kwa utaratibu utakao tilia mkazo na kusaidia uibuaji wa vipaji
Kifungu Na 6. 9 Utawala bora liongezwe tamko la sera lenye kuelekeza kuwa serikali itajuisha misingi ya utawala bora kwenye mtaala wa elimu katika ngazi mbali mbali ili kuwaandaa wananchi wenye fikra huru, wenye kujiamini, wazalendo na wawajibikaji na wenye kuhimiza uwajibikaji wa serikali na viongozi.

Utoaji wa chakula kwa wanafunzi
Pamoja na sera ya elimu na mafunzo ya 1995 tamko la sera 3.2.7 kuainisha kuwa serikali itaboresha programu za lishe na afya katika shule za msingi na vyuo; upo ushahidi kwamba zoezi hili ambalo umuhimu wake umethibitika na kuthibitishwa kitaalamu kwa tafiti mbalimbali, halikuweza kufanikiwa sana. Tafiti mbali mbali zinaonyesha kuwa, mbali ya maeneo yenye programu za utoaji chakula zinazosaidiwa na Mpango wa Chakula Duniani (WFP) kama Dodoma, Singida na Manyara na Arusha, pia yale yanayosimamiwa na miradi ya kijamii kama baadhi za wilaya za mkoa wa Kilimanjaro n.k; maeneo mengine ya nchi hayakuweza kufanikiwa sana katika kutekeleza zoezi hili.
Watoto wengi hususan wanatoka familia maskini zaidi wameendelea kwenda shuleni bila chakula. Wengine wamekuwa wakitoroka na wengine kuacha shule kabisa. Badala ya kutamka kimkakati zaidi, sera mpya imelieleza suala hili kijuujuu tu kama suala la huduma muhimu shuleni na vyuoni (Ukurasa wa 68), ambapo tamko la sera linaelekeza jukumu la serikali kuwa ni kuhimiza wazazi, jamii, serikali za mitaa na wadau wengine kuhakikisha kuwa huduma ya chakula bora......

Liongezwe tamko la sera kuwa serikali kwa kushirikiana na wadau itaanzisha mpango kabambe wa utoaji chakula bora kwa wanafunzi wa shule za msingi wawapo shuleni ili kuwavutia kubaki shuleni na kuhakikisha wananufaika ipasavyo na matendo ya kujifunza.

Suala la usawa wa kijinsia:
Tamko Na. 6 kuhusu kuwekwa utaratibu wa kuwawezesha wanafunzi wa kike wanaopata ujauzito kuendelea na masomo baada ya kujifungua; halina budi kukamilishwa na tamko jingine lenye kuelekeza kuwa serikali itaifanyia mapitio sheria ya elimu na kuelekeza namna ya kuwabana watu wanaowapa mimba watoto wa shule na kudhibiti mazingira yanayopelekea watoto wa shule kupata ujauzito.
suala la makundi yenye mahitaji maalum.
kuwepo na tamko kuwa serikali itaelekeza utaratibu wa kuandaa mazingira rafiki, ikiwemo ujenzi wa miundombinu rafiki kwa wanafunzi na walimu wenye ulemavu mbali mbali

Kuhusu suala la ufundishaji wa lugha: ukurasa wa 77
Kufuatia maelezo kuwa Kiswahili ni lugha adhimu ambayo nyumbani kwake ni nchini Tanzania hapana budi kuitazama lugha hii kuwa na hadhi zaidi ya kiingereza. Lugha ya Kiswahili ni tunu ya kipekee kwa nchi zaidi ya au sawa na mlima Kilimanjaro. Kiswahili ni miongoni mwa raslimali ambazo Tanzania inaweza kuzipeleka duniani katika dunia ya kitandawazi kwani imezidi kukua duniani.
Licha ya kigugumizi cha kuamua kuwa na lugha moja ya kufundishia nchini (KISWAHILI) Kuwepo na tamko la sera lenye kuelekeza kuwa wizara yenye dhamana ya elimu kwa kushirikiana na wizara nyingine kama yenye dhamana ya utamaduni na ya mambo ya nje na ushirikiano wa kimataifa itatoa maelekezo ya kukipa Kiswahili kipaumbele kama raslimali ya kipekee, kuikuza na kuitangaza, ikiwa ni pamoja na kuongeza idadi ya wahitimu mahiri wa lugha hii na kuendesha kampeni kabambe ya kuiingiza kwenye ulimwengu wa TEHAMA.

Suala la mfumo wa michepuo
Ukurasa wa 28 Tamko Na. 1 kuhusu kupanuliwa na kuendelezwa kwa utaratibu wa michepuo ya kilimo, biashara, ufundi na sayansi kimu.
kwa kuzingatia kuingizwa masuala ya TEHAMA na UJASIRIAMALI sambambaa na masuala mtambuka kwenye mitaala/mihtasari, ni vema sera itamke wazi kuwa itaifanyia mapitio mitaala ya masomo ya mchepuo (kilimo, biashara nk) ili kuifupisha na kuifanya iwe ya kivitendo na kijasiriamali zaidi au ikazie maarifa na stadi zinazopatikana kwenye mafunzo ya ujasiriamali. Vinginevyo hakuna faida kuwajazia wanafunzi mambo mengi ambayo hawataweza kumudu kuyashika.