The recent events have created the need for a re-examination of our Society in general and the parliament in particular.While the "Udanganyifu" reporting scandals such as the one which involved Hon.Adam Malima Vs Mengi and Zitto Zuberi Kabwe Vs Hon.Nazir Karamagi and "Ufisadi" katika BoT have been dominating headlines recently,the crisis of confidence resulting from the ongoing scandals is really a symptom of deeper issues that need to be addressed.
What is the deepest issue affecting the survival of the parliamentary system?Clearly, the public perception that criminals,whether of the corruption or else,will not be adequately punished by neither parliament nor justice system.This perception,and the parliamentary decisions that feed it,brings the credibility of the social order into question.
What is the problem with the parliamentary system of Tanzania?This crisis has resulted because the parliamental system is overly focused on traditions such as Itikadi za kichama and what is known as "Umimi" if Not "Ubinafsi".
Samahani I am truly one of the "Swa-english" so be patient when am trying to make clarifications on some concepts.Now, with respect to the subject above,lets examine a bit the recently events.
Matukio ya hivi karibuni yaliyoibuliwa bungeni,particulary hili la kusainiwa kwa mikataba ya madini nje ya nchi na reaction ya baadhi ya wabunge,spika, naibu spika na kukomelewa msumari na karani wa Bunge against mtoa hoja ya msingi(Mh.Zitto) na mwitikio wa jamii kuhusu uamuzi uliochukuliwa na Bunge ni ishara mbaya kwa mwelekeo wa nchi yetu.Imefika wakati sasa,eti Bunge linathubutu kuzuia wawakilishi wa wananchi(Wabunge) na wananchi wenyenye nje ya bunge kujadili mambo yanayowahusu kwa kisingizio cha kuingilia shughuli za Bunge ambalo siku za hivi karibuni limekuwa mithili ya "Kijiwe cha wahuni" kiasi cha kuamua kusigina kanuni zilizowekwa kusimamia shughuli za chombo hicho.
{Rejea kanuni za uendeshaji shughuli za Bunge;kanuni ya 28(1);kanuni ya 44(1);kanuni ya 68(1) na kanuni ya 103(2) against uamuzi uliochukuliwa na chombo hicho dhidi ya Mh.Zitto.}
Wote tunaojua kazi na majukumu ya Bunge tunaelewa wazi kuwa "Kuwanyamazisha wananchi" sio kazi ya Bunge.Ikiwa basi tunaamini kuwa "Msomi" ni yule aliyeenda shule(Formal schooling),basi Bunge letu limesheheni wasomi waliotukuka katika fani mbalimbali.The challenging question remains;What is our role and relevance as Tanzania Intellectuals?
Joseph Mihangwa,mmoja wa waandishi makini wa makala nchini aliwahi kuandika kumwelezea "msomi" kama ifuatavyo;-
"Msomi yeyote anawajibu wa kuelewa na kujihusisha kikamilifu na mambo yote yanayotokea katika jamii yake,na hupimwa uwezo wake kwa jinsi anavyojishirikisha na tabaka la watawala kama yeye si mtawala katika kuleta hali boramkwa jamii yake.
Msomi hapaswi kusubiri kuambiwa afanye nini hali tata inapotokea katika jamii yake.Yeye ni mwepesi wa kutenda na kuleta mabadiliko yanayotakiwa. Ni wajibu wake kuongoza na kushiriki kikamilifu katika kuleta mabadiliko hayo.Kutofanya hivyo ni uasi kwa jamii unaovuka kiwango cha Uhaini na hivyo hawezi kukwepa kujibu tuhuma za kuiasi jamii yake"
{Wasomi kizimbani,Rai No...,Feb. 27,2003}
Ninapojaribu kutafuta uhusiano wa aina ya watu tulionao ndani na nje ya Bunge,na yale yanayotokea hapa nchini,I come up with the conclusion that "What is missing is an emphasis on social responsibility"
What is meant by social responsibility?Social responsibility involves taking into account the needs of society;the damage to society of the crime;and the impact of any decision on the fabric of that society.The health of the Society is paramount.Note, that does not mean that society can trample on individual rights...that would only negate any social purpose.Rather, it means that individual rights can exist up to the point where society becomes threatened.That does not mean social change cannot occur...since social change is healthy and reflects a vibrancy in that society.Again, it means that society cannot be taken advantage of,in particular for ulterior purposes.
If social responsibility does not become an important consideration in the parliamentary system,them the bleeding of public confidence will continue---and that will serve neither the parliamentary system nor society.Kindly I keep the ball rolling.
Wanafunzi wa Shule ya Sekondari ya TPC wakionesha furaha yao wakati
wakiendesha baiskeli zilizotolewana taasisi ya ABC Impact kama sehemu ya
msaada ukilen...
1 hour ago
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