Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Tutors & Secondary school teachers attends the food quality & Safety workshop

Early last month,Tanzania Bureau of standards [TBS] in collaboration with United Nations Industrial Development Organization[UNIDO],Tanzania Institute of Education [TET] and Ministry of Education and Vocational Training [MoEVT] conducted the training workshop to selected Home Economics and Biology secondary school teachers and College tutors from Eastern zone on Food quality and Safety at VETA center,Morogoro as a part of the National food safety campaign.

The workshop intended to orient Home economics and Biology secondary school teachers and tutors on how to integrate the knowledge of food quality and safety in teaching their respective subjects.

Ms Giorgina Cattaneo,the UNIDO representative on her remarks said that the aim of the workshop was to equip teachers and tutors with relevant knowledge on food quality and safety issues and enable them to deliver to their students the basic rules and best practices to apply in ensuring food quality and safety throughout the food chain and food ultimately protection to their family`s health from food born diseases,contribute to food security as well as to raise awareness on fair practices in food trade.

In that occasion, Mr. Ekerege,f. From Ministry of Education and Vocational Training who was the workshop coordinator said that the workshop was organized in the context of the awareness campaign targeting secondary school students as well as student teachers due to the fact that secondary school students and student teachers represents both future stakeholders, to include not only food producers,processors and marketers but also consumers as well in the country. It is therefor vital to ensure that information about food safety and quality is provided to them.

Official opening of the workshop was done by Mr.Musaroche,L. The acting chief Education Officer MoEVT. In his speech,Mr. Musaroche said that the government expectations to the workshop is the fulfillment of the project objectives which are mainly to reduce as far as possible,cases of food borne illness or disasters in the country resulting from consumption of unsafe food which lead to reduces productivity nationwide.

The workshop was very successful and the participants awarded certificates of attendance awaiting for implementation and evaluation of the project.

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